“Jennie, Jennie. You’ve got to understand. I believe God has made me for a purpose – for China. But He also made me fast! And when I run I feel his pleasure! To give it up would be to hold Him in contempt. You were right. It’s not just fun. To win is to honor Him.”
— Eric Liddell, Gold Medalist, 1924 Olympics, from Chariots of Fire


In the culture – and even in many churches – today, too many men are absent and uninvolved.  Too many men are amusing themselves to death, wasting time, energy, and resources on passing pleasures.  Our desire is to witness a band of brothers who build their hope not upon the passing fades of a temporal world but the unspeakable riches of God’s grace that have been lavished upon them through Jesus Christ.  Together, we aim to walk with Jesus and one another in life-on-life discipleship, strategic community engagement, and global risk taking for the cause of Christ and the glory of God.

To learn more about men’s ministry at Westminster Church, please contact Charlie Phillips at charliep@wcpca.org.

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast is the second Saturday of the month at 8 AM. We do take a break during the summer months, but look forward to having you join us in September!

Westminster Fellowship Hall

Cost is $5 per person; first time guests and children are free.

Questions? Please contact Ted Palmer