Good Friday Service

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Good Friday will be here tomorrow, and in God's grace we will have the opportunity to gather in person to commemorate it for the first time in two years. It's interesting that we call it "good" given the torturous event of the crucifixion that occurred that Friday 2,000 years ago. But as believers, we know by faith that it is indeed "good" in the sense that through Christ's death we receive spiritual life. The wrath of the Father was absorbed by the Son that providential evening so that we could be reconciled to God. To the sinner it is incredibly good news, that God would show his love for us by giving us life through the death of His Son. Join us on Friday, April 2 at 7:00pm for "Life Through Death".

"So that All may Know"

Joshua 4:1-24

Rev. Jack Beall

How does the past help us look to the future with expectation and hope? In the case of seeing God’s hand of sovereign faithfulness in history, the past helps us a lot. If we’re considering God’s faithfulness in fulfilling the Bible’s grand promises about global ministry success, get ready to be encouraged significantly! Join us this Sunday as we see God’s heart for the nations and for the church from Joshua 4:1-24.

"Intended Interruptions"

Luke 8:26-56

Rev. Charlie Phillips

As we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke this week, we’ll be studying three major miracles of Christ. While all His miracles are noteworthy, these three highlight something special about the heart of Jesus—that He is intentional. He’s intentional in completing His mission and intentional in bestowing mercy on the needy. Join us this Sunday as we learn about our Savior who is gentle and lowly in heart and intentional in love.

"Hearing and Doing"

Luke 8:1-25

Rev. Charlie Phillips

J.I. Packer once said, “God has spoken to man, and the Bible is his Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation. Godliness means responding to God’s revelation in trust and obedience, faith and worship, prayer and praise, submission and service”. Packer’s quote reveals two truths. First, God has spoken to us and desires that we hear Him. Second, God’s Word demands a response. These two truths will frame this Sunday’s sermon on “Hearing and Doing”. Join us as we continue our study of the Gospel of Luke.

"Expecting Jesus"

Luke 7:18-50

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If you were to write Jesus a letter and list for him all of your expectations of him, what would it say? What would it include and how long would it be? And would your expectations of him match up with what is promised in Scripture regarding him? Join us this Sunday as we study the expectations of Jesus’ followers in Luke 7:18-50 as well as examine our own hearts and what we expect from Christ.

"The Life of an Outsider"

Luke 7:1-17

Rev. Alan Foster

Is the Christian life something we do, or is it something we are? Being a follower of Jesus is a life of faith, but faith is not the point of the Christian life; Jesus is. If you try to produce faith, you’ll miss Jesus. If you focus on Jesus, you’ll end up with faith. Sunday’s sermon will help us focus on the beauty of Jesus as the true motivating factor in our Christian life.

"Jesus On Mission"

Luke 6:1-19

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In Jesus’ three years of ministry on Earth He was always on mission. He was determined to continue moving forward with His God-given task, each day the cross coming closer and closer into view. This Sunday we’ll study Christ as He was on the move, clarifying the Sabbath and commissioning His Apostles. This is an especially exciting Sunday as all of our covenant children will join us for the service!

"Compelled by Christ"

Luke 5:17-39

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Brother Lawrence, a man known throughout church history for his deep walk with Christ, said, “The more we know Him, the more we will desire to know Him. As love increases with knowledge, the more we know God, the more we will truly love Him”. A true believer will never tire of knowing Christ and will never be fully satisfied until he or she reaches heaven. Join us this Sunday as we dive deeper into the character and person of our compelling savior, Jesus Christ.

"Knowing Jesus"

Luke 5:1-16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

John Newton said “to know Jesus is the shortest description of true grace; to know Him better is the surest mark of growth in grace; to know Him perfectly is eternal life.” What is it about Jesus that makes your heart burn for Him? What is it about Him that causes you to desire Him above all else? To truly “know” Jesus takes a lifetime of learning and growth in grace. And it is such a worthy endeavor! Join us this Sunday as we get to know Him by unpacking two of His miracles.

"Uncomfortable Moments, Unstoppable Good; The Ongoing Mission of Jesus"

Luke 4:16-44

Rev. Ben Phillips

Daily we’re confronted with the realities of life in a fallen world. We long for the Lord to dramatically intervene. Oftentimes this is envisioned as either a widespread revival or the Second Coming. We should long and pray for both. However, Luke 4 reminds us that even in the worst moments of cultural decline, the Lord is steadily advancing his good plans. While this frequently creates uncomfortable situations for us, we can nevertheless be encouraged that Christ’s unstoppable mission is ultimately moving us towards a glorious outcome. Join us Sunday as we consider “Uncomfortable Moments, Unstoppable Good: The Ongoing Mission of Jesus.”

"Jesus Tempted and Triumphant"

Luke 4:1-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

One thing is for sure, Christians face temptation every single day. Some days we face more than others with more intensity and concentration. Other days we face less. But the reality is that until the day we unite with the Lord in heaven, we will face temptations of various kinds every single day of our lives. The question every Christian ought to ask is: How should we deal with temptation? What should be our strategy in fighting? Do we have a weapon in battling sin on a day-to-day basis? In Luke 4, we encounter Jesus in a series of intense temptations, and what we find is a Savior that triumphs and teaches us the way of battle. Join us this Sunday as we wade into the ultimate trial of temptation.

"The Cost of Discipleship"

Luke 3:1-38

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We talk a lot about discipleship in the church, but we don’t always talk about what it costs. Grace isn’t cheap and following Christ isn’t easy. So what is the cost of discipleship? What do we have to give up in order to follow Christ? What does Christ bid us to lay down when He calls us to Himself? And most importantly, what is the reward for discipleship? Join us this Sunday as we talk about the cost and reward of following Jesus.

"Seeing and Savoring"

Luke 2:22-52

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet?! It’s that time of year when we re-evaluate our lives, make changes, and create habits to reinforce them. One resolution that would benefit the entire body of believers is that we would daily seek to see and savor Christ. This Sunday we will be encountering Jesus both as an infant and a little boy, and we will learn just how special this one-of-a kind child was. Join us as we begin the New Year by seeing and savoring Christ.