At Westminster Student Ministries, it is our goal to partner with parents in the discipleship process. God has graciously given the primary responsibility of the raising, training, and discipling of children to parents, but we consider it a great privilege to be able to partner in this process.
WSM is a group that unashamedly WORKS HARD and PLAYS HARD! Much of our ministry revolves around small group discipleship where we focus on the study of God's Word, serving the community and growing in Christ together. We love hanging out together and are always looking to welcome someone new into our family!
If you are interested in joining us, we meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in the third floor youth room. This fall we will be discussing all the books of the Bible with the name John in the title.
Wednesday evenings at 5:45 PM middle and high school students are welcome to join with the younger kids in the Fellowship Hall for a simple dinner and fellowship. Youth will meet in the gym building youth room from 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.
If you have any questions about the student ministry at Westminster Church, contact Chris Biddy, Pastoral Intern of Student Ministry.
Venture is a weekend long opportunity for the youth (grades 6-12) to disconnect from the hurry of school and activities and re-connect with friends and God. The weekend includes worship, a guest speaker, fun, games and time to be quiet with our Creator. CLICK HERE to register. Contact Chris Biddy for more information.