Sunday school for all ages begins at 9:45 AM. We invite your family to join us and jump in!
A Study of Exodus I Teacher: Dean Van Alstyne I Room 202 (the library): The library class will be finishing a study of Exodus. Join us for a study this foundational book.
A Study in Galatians I Teachers: Brent Archer, Jason Stephenson, Doug McNutt, Aaron Mann, & Lee Lovett I Room 203/205: Justified by faith, not by works. Join us this semester as Paul explains in his letter to the Galatians how we are made right with an infinite, Holy God.
The Sermon on the Mount I Teachers: David Peake, Will Wright, Matt Phillips, & Oliver Ladd I The Chapel (downstairs): Today’s culture emphasizes power and strength over enemies, but 2,000 years ago Jesus gave a very different picture of what life in his kingdom should look like. In perhaps history’s most famous sermon, Jesus emphasizes love of neighbor, radical forgiveness, and humility as we his people await the renewal of all things. Join us this fall in our semester-long study of this familiar-yet-surprising three chapters from Matthew’s gospel.
Blessed are the Peacemakers I Teachers: Barr Overcast, David Brauer, & Kerry Mann I Room 201: In the beatitudes, Jesus tells us, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” But every day we face political division, conflict in our homes, toxic work environments, and angry drivers. How can we embrace Jesus’ call to be peacemakers when all around us is conflict and division? This semester we will study the biblical calling for believers to pursue peace and see that it is based on our imitation of a greater peacemaker.
College & Young Adults - Hosea I Teachers: Jeremy Shockley & Caleb Johnson I Room 204: The book of Hosea has been called “the second greatest story ever told.” All college students and young singles are invited to join us as we study God’s message for us through Hosea’s life and prophesy.
Youth (Middle & High School) - “The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved” I Teachers: Chris Biddy and a team of teachers I Room 324 (upstairs):The disciple whom Jesus loved has shared that love with believers through the ages. Students, grades 6-12, are invited to join the youth Sunday school upstairs as they study John’s gospel and letters through the fall and spring semesters.
For the younger set:
The Polka Dot Room (Downstairs) I Pre-K - 5th Grade I Material: “The Biggest Story Bible Storybook” I Teachers: Team of teachers: In Sunday school, children will learn that the Bible is one continuous story pointing to Jesus, from Genesis to Revelation. We look forward to serving your family in children’s Sunday school.
Noah’s Landing (nursery) I birth - 4 years I Material: “The Bible Story” by Gospel Light I Teacher: Mary Nash: The babies through rising pre-K are taught of God’s love and covenant promise in these stories spanning chronologically from Creation to Revelation. We look forward to serving your family in Sunday school.