
"This Jesus: His Ascension & Return"

Rev. Dr. Stacey M. Cox

Sunday's Sermon: "This Jesus: His Ascension & Return"

Just forty days earlier they had seen him die on a cross. Now, they were standing with him on the Mount of Olives. He gives final words of instruction; in a moment, he was gone. Jesus' last act on earth - his ascension to the Father - may be the most puzzling of any of his earthly milestones. We know what happened, but why? What difference does it make to the state of our souls and how we live? And how does it connect to our Lord's physical return? We celebrate Ascension Sunday this week. Join us for "This Jesus: His Ascension & Return"!

"Walking in Eternity Today"

Rev. Dr. Stacey M. Cox

Sunday's Sermon: "Walking in Eternity Today"

Heaven is real. It's not a puzzle to be solved but a promise to look forward to; we saw as much last Sunday. But, do we live as if it matters? Scripture calls us to "fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" (2 Cor. 4:18). Does that mean we are to live with our heads in the clouds, quit our jobs, find a nice hill to perch on, and wait for death? This Sunday, we are going to look at several ways heaven-focused thinking ought to impact how we live right now. Join us for "Walking in Eternity Today."

"Heaven Today"

Rev. Dr. Stacey M. Cox

Sunday's Sermon: "Heaven Today"

A little girl was taking an evening walk with her father. Wonderingly, she looked up at the stars and exclaimed: "Oh, Daddy, if the wrong side of heaven is so beautiful, what must the right side be!" What must it be! What is heaven like? Paul described it as 'great gain.' What will we look like? Well, the One who created everything is going to give us a grand makeover, so there's that! This Sunday we will consider the wonder of what awaits those who love the Lord. Join us for "Heaven Today!"