
"I Am the Resurrection"

John 11:17-44

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Jonathan Edwards said that the “resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass; because hereby Christ rested from the great and difficult work of purchasing redemption, and received God’s testimony, that it was finished”. But how does His finished work apply to our joy today? Join us this Sunday as we contemplate and celebrate our risen Lord and Savior!

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"Connecting to Christ"

John 15:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

I’m excited to announce that we’ll be beginning a new sermon series on the book of Philippians in just three weeks! Philippians has been called the New Testament book of “joy” for generations, and I’m confident that we’ll find joy together in it during our study. I’m also excited to announce that until then we’ll be diving into a mini-series on the vision of Westminster Church. Join us this Sunday as we talk about “Connecting to Christ”!

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"I Am Not the Christ"

John 1:6-20

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If the highlight and focus of Christmas is the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then our worship and adoration of Him must be at the forefront. Why? Because that’s where our true Christmas hope, peace, joy, and love are found. We warmly invite you, your family, and friends to attend two services crafted to help us all enjoy our blessed Savior together. We’ll gather on Christmas Eve at 6pm for a service of carols and Scripture lessons. And on Christmas Day we’ll come together for our Sabbath worship at 11am. Please feel free to come as you are to both services. Children in pj’s are quite welcome!

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"Love Came Down"

John 15:12-17

Rev. Barr Overcast

It's the greatest commandment and the first of the fruits of the Spirit. According to the Beatles, it's "all you need," and according to the apostle Paul, it's the "more excellent way." Love. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the fact that at Christmas love came down.

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