God and Israel: Grace Prevails!

Rev. Stacey Cox

God and Israel: Grace Prevails!

No one can deny that the Jews are a unique people. What other people can trace their lineage to Abraham and the human ancestry of Jesus to their stock? Jesus was Jewish. Yet, given their response to the Messiah when he came, has God given up on ethnic Israel? Is anyone beyond the grace of God? Those are the questions Paul addresses in Romans 11. Join us Sunday for "God and Israel: Grace Prevails!"

Beautiful Feet

Rev. Stacey Cox

Beautiful Feet

'Feet selfies' find their way to social media from time to time. Often they involve sand sun, and water. Although pedicured and golden, uneven toes - even on a sunny beach - are usually in need of a good pair of shoes. But, Scripture does describe feet that heaven declares are always "beautiful". They aren't the ones that make it to social media, but those that deliver the message of the gospel! Join us Sunday for "Beautiful Feet"!

God's Sovereign Choice - Part 2

Rev. Stacey Cox

God's Sovereign Choice - Part 2

Everyday instances of grace and mercy are common: one needy school receives a generous gift from a wealthy donor, ten others don't; one speeding motorist is issued a citation, another is given a warning; the restaurant manager surprises a customer with a free dessert and not every customer. Yet, we are ready to quarrel with sovereign grace, if it doesn't align to our personal sense of fairness. Paul anticipates such reactions and objections to the sovereignty of God in election and answers each in his Romans 9 instruction. Sunday we return to this incredibly relevant doctrine. Join us for "God's Sovereign Choice - Part 2!"

God's Sovereign Choice

Rev. Stacey Cox

God's Sovereign Choice

Here's a thought to consider: God has never been surprised - not one time. He's sovereign over all of His creation. Zero in on the middle portion of the term. See the word within the word? Sove-reign-ty. God reigns over everything that happens: Dolphins giving birth, waves crashing onto shores. And, yes, salvation. We tend to have a natural hostility towards the sovereignty of grace, but removing it from scripture requires busy scissors and results in a hole-y Bible. So join us Sunday for "God's Sovereign Choice"!  

Christ-Like Love: Persuasive and Victorious

Rev. Kurt Frank

Christ-Like Love: Persuasive and Victorious

When ancient Rome, its culture, politics, family life, and sport were sinking to the lowest moral denominator, the Apostle Paul had the audacity to proclaim everywhere this truth: "I am persuaded that the love of Jesus Christ, God's son, turns persecuted Christians into Christ-like victors over evil opposition." With America's moral decline can today's Christian minority become persuasive and victorious? Yes! Come and learn how from retired Pastor, Dr. Kurt Frank, our guest preacher.

Comfort Gospel

Rev. Lane Stephenson

Gospel Comfort

Believers live in a continual tension while in this world. On the one hand, we have great ignorance and weakness. "We do not know what to pray for as we ought," Paul writes in Romans 8:26. On the other hand, we have assurance that we may possess with an unshakable confidence. Only two verses after verse 26, Paul begins a great affirmation with the words "We know." We who know Christ have gospel comfort that rests upon God's unchanging and certain purpose. Join us this Sunday for "Gospel Comfort".

Groaning for Glory

Rev. Stacey Cox

Groaning for Glory

J. Vernon McGee once made the following observation: "Nature sings in minor key. The wind blowing through the pine trees on a mountainside and the breaking of the surf on some lonely shore - both emit the same sob. The music of trees has been recorded, and it is doleful. The startled cry of some frightened animal or bird pierces the night air and chills the blood. Surely nature bears audible testimony to the accuracy of Scripture." Creation longs. Paul described it as 'groaning.' It's not only around us, it's within us. What's going on here? Hope you will join us for "Groaning for Glory" Sunday!

All I Have is Christ!

Rev. Stacey Cox

Abba! Father!

We vandalized His creation, disobeyed His loving directives, and created chaos where there was only peace.  It would have been one thing to love us when we were loving, obedient, and willing.  But when we rebelled?  What a test of love!  It's a love that predates time.  The love of a great Father that was driven not by our actions but by His promises, promises that assured a day would come when renegades and rebels would joyfully cry out, 'Daddy!'  Sunday we continue our study in Romans with "Abba! Father!"  Hope you will join us.



Now No Condemnation

Rev. Stacey Cox

Now No Condemnation

Treadmills are unforgiving taskmasters. There's only one reason I'm for a treadmill: I enjoy eating. That's it. Period. Now pass the pizza. Thus far in Romans 1-7, we've basked in the wonderful truths of the gospel: Justification by faith, union with Christ, and salvation through Christ alone. Sunday we transition into the second half of the book. Paul will pick up the pace in examining how faith in Christ leads to real life change. If we've been saved by grace, we are able to live by grace, and put the performance treadmill away. Make plans to join us this week for "Now No Condemnation".

Never Ceasing Struggle. Never Ending Dependency.

Aaron Mann

Never Ceasing Struggle. Never Ending Dependency.

Romans 7:13-25

Throughout church history, Romans 7 has been one of the most controversial and misinterpreted chapters in all of the Bible. Many questions surround this chapter regarding the nature of God's Law and the Christian's lasting relationship with sin. Despite all of the questions, two things rise to the top. The Christian will never cease to struggle with sin this side of heaven and the Christian will never stop depending on the grace of God in temptation. Join us this Sunday morning as we continue in our series Not Ashamed: A Series in Romans.

Proclaiming The Mighty Acts of God

Rev. Lane Stephenson

Proclaiming the Mighty Acts of God

Acts 2:1-13

Revelation 5:9 states that Christ, by His blood, has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. We are also told in Revelation 7:9 that heaven will be filled with an innumerable multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language. The Spirit of God has been given to the Church that the gospel of Christ may be proclaimed to every tribe, language, people and nation. According to the website ethnologue.com, there are 7,099 known living languages in the world. By the gift of His Holy Spirit, God has endowed and equipped His Church for this great mission of proclaiming the gospel!

Our Ascended Priest

Rev. Stacey M. Cox

Our Ascended Priest

When we think of the gospel, we often go to Bethlehem and the empty tomb. The ascension of Christ forty days following his resurrection is hardly thought of as good news - but it is! Without the ascension, there could be no salvation and no mission. As we grow in our understanding of the ascension, we will discover it brings us great comfort. Jesus is our ascended priest in heaven. He's there for us and on our behalf, securing our salvation by His presence. Make plans to join us Sunday for "Our Ascended Priest"!

We Belong to Jesus

Rev. Stacey M. Cox

We Belong to Jesus

If someone asked, "What does it mean to live the Christian life?" how would you respond? I'm reminded of the memorable scene between "Mitch" and "Curly" in the movie City Slickers. What's the "one thing," as Curly would say, that should shape our whole existence as believers? This one thing makes all the difference in life and death. Join us Sunday for "We Belong to Jesus."