
"Deep and Wide"

Romans 1:16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Currently everyone is rethinking their priorities, making goals, and creating systems for growth. It’s a healthy way to begin the year!

At Westminster we purposefully begin every new year by revisiting our reason for existing and vision for ministry. Join us this first Sunday of 2025 as we seek Gospel growth together!

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"Christianity: The Un-Religion"

Romans 5:6-8

Dr. McKay Caston

Join us this Sunday as we head into the New Year with a sermon from the book of Romans! Romans 5:6-8 presents a striking alternative to what many folks think about religion. In fact, in view of this passage, we can think of Christianity as the un-religion. See you Sunday!

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"Resurrection Life"

Romans 6:1-11 Rev. Charlie Phillips

Easter is the one Sunday a year when the majority of Americans attend church. It’s been a tradition or staple of our culture for generations (especially in the south). For many people it’s “just what we do as Americans”. In other words it’s the normal thing to do. But in reality the message of Easter is that the extraordinary has broken through the ordinary, making all things new. Bring your friends and family and join us for a Sunday full of Gospel life!

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"A Sending Church"

Romans 10:5-17

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The ultimate paradox. Pure power seated in pure humility. The Lord of life riding towards the chosen hill of death. A choice. Pain, torture, redemption. All in the name of love. All for the securing of eternal beings made in His image. His end wouldn’t be our end. It would be the beginning of worldwide proclamation. He’d prayed for it and the Spirit would deliver it. Join us this week as we connect Jesus’ ride on Palm Sunday with our call to proclaim His glory to the world.

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God's Sovereign Choice

Rev. Stacey Cox

God's Sovereign Choice

Here's a thought to consider: God has never been surprised - not one time. He's sovereign over all of His creation. Zero in on the middle portion of the term. See the word within the word? Sove-reign-ty. God reigns over everything that happens: Dolphins giving birth, waves crashing onto shores. And, yes, salvation. We tend to have a natural hostility towards the sovereignty of grace, but removing it from scripture requires busy scissors and results in a hole-y Bible. So join us Sunday for "God's Sovereign Choice"!  

Comfort Gospel

Rev. Lane Stephenson

Gospel Comfort

Believers live in a continual tension while in this world. On the one hand, we have great ignorance and weakness. "We do not know what to pray for as we ought," Paul writes in Romans 8:26. On the other hand, we have assurance that we may possess with an unshakable confidence. Only two verses after verse 26, Paul begins a great affirmation with the words "We know." We who know Christ have gospel comfort that rests upon God's unchanging and certain purpose. Join us this Sunday for "Gospel Comfort".

Now No Condemnation

Rev. Stacey Cox

Now No Condemnation

Treadmills are unforgiving taskmasters. There's only one reason I'm for a treadmill: I enjoy eating. That's it. Period. Now pass the pizza. Thus far in Romans 1-7, we've basked in the wonderful truths of the gospel: Justification by faith, union with Christ, and salvation through Christ alone. Sunday we transition into the second half of the book. Paul will pick up the pace in examining how faith in Christ leads to real life change. If we've been saved by grace, we are able to live by grace, and put the performance treadmill away. Make plans to join us this week for "Now No Condemnation".