rev. Charlie Phillips

"Hurry Up & Shut Up"

James 1:19-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If one of your resolutions this New Year is to seek and obtain wisdom you’re in the right place because we’re jumping back into the “Proverbs of the New Testament”. James has a unique way of challenging us, and this week is no exception. Come expecting the Spirit’s movement as we’re challenged to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger!

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"Deep and Wide"

Romans 1:16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Currently everyone is rethinking their priorities, making goals, and creating systems for growth. It’s a healthy way to begin the year!

At Westminster we purposefully begin every new year by revisiting our reason for existing and vision for ministry. Join us this first Sunday of 2025 as we seek Gospel growth together!

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"Follow the Mercy"

Ruth 2:1-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In chapter 2 of Ruth, we see the first snippets of one of the greatest romance stories ever told. It’s one that reminds us that God pursues His people in ways that are not only redemptive, but beautiful—ways that break into the ordinary details of our lives and magnify the bigger picture of salvation. Come in a posture to receive His love!

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"Of Testing and Temptation"

James 1:12-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever felt that your suffering is a testing of your faith, and that you’re holding on for dear life?! Or that you too easily give into temptation, but desire grace to fight it? If so, James has wisdom for you! Join us this Sunday as we worship, learn, and approach the Lord’s table for grace!

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"The Rich Poor"

James 1:7-9

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What keeps you up at night? What do you worry about? Keep that thought in your mind and ask yourself this question, “should I worry about this given that I’m a child of the King?” Join us this Sunday as James encourages us in our unstable world to find our stability in Christ.

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"The Catalyst for Discipleship: Part 2"

Mark 1:35

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past week we talked about Jesus as “the way”—that Jesus modeled for us by His pattern of living a means of thriving in this world. Join us this week for part two as we discuss a secret weapon for living that empowers us to take our next steps. Pray for the Spirit's leading as you come to worship!

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"The Catalyst of Discipleship"

John 14:6a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

So far in our series on discipleship we’ve talked about the call and cost of following Jesus, both of which are astounding in depth and have enormous implications for our lives. Scripture tells us that we come with Jesus at great cost in order that we might become like Jesus in great measure. But are there any helps along the way? How might we become like Him? Join us this Sunday as we talk about the “catalyst” for discipleship.

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"Inexhaustible Mercy"

1 Samuel 29:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In chapter 29 we see the unthinkable happening with David and his men preparing to march with the Philistines against God’s people. It’s both a frightening scene and a comforting scene. It’s frightening in that it shows how far our sin can lead us. It’s comforting in that it shows us the depths from which God can deliver us. Join us this Sunday as we explore the inexhaustible nature of God’s mercy for His people.

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"What Lies Beneath"

1 Samuel 25:1-31

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In many ways David has lived an exemplary life of suffering in the wilderness. He’s sought help from the priesthood, leaned on the Lord, taken counsel from Jonathan, and remembered God’s faithfulness over the years. Chapter 25 is the first time we see a different side of David. Pray for the Spirit’s leading as we gather this Sunday to explore the depth of the human heart.

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"Spirit-led Reflections"

2 Corinthians 13:14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

How well do you know our Trinitarian God? Is He is your passion? Is He your all in all? Are you progressing in your knowledge of the Godhead? It’s really easy in the Christian life to stay surface-level in the faith. And for that reason many believers never fully enjoy the depths of the Godhead. Join us this Sunday as we talk about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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