
"Deep and Wide"

Romans 1:16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Currently everyone is rethinking their priorities, making goals, and creating systems for growth. It’s a healthy way to begin the year!

At Westminster we purposefully begin every new year by revisiting our reason for existing and vision for ministry. Join us this first Sunday of 2025 as we seek Gospel growth together!

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"The Cost of Discipleship"

Luke 14: 25-33

Rev. Charlie Phillips

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This coming Sunday we’ll be jumping into part two in our series on discipleship as we talk about the cost of following Jesus. What exactly does it cost to follow Jesus? Have we ever actually calculated it? Is it worth it? What do we get in return? See you Sunday as we dive in!


On another note, we’re excited to remind you that we will be having a congregational meeting on September 8th after worship for the purpose of voting in Barr Overcast as Associate Pastor of Westminster! As an Associate Pastor Barr will get a vote on the Session and, more importantly, his role will be strengthened as we formally recognize him as our pastor of shepherding and discipleship.

"God Before Us"

Colossians 1:15-20

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Frederick Buechner once said, “In the silence of a midwinter dusk, there is a sound so faint that for all you can tell it may be only the sound of the silence itself. You hold your breath to listen. You are aware of the beating of your heart. The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment.” Join us this Sunday we remember and anticipate the incredible grace of our Savior together.

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"Judge, Jury, Grace"

1 Samuel 12:1-25

Rev. Barr Overcast

In our text this week, Samuel is stepping into his role as judge one last time, complete with a black robe, a white wig, and a gavel (okay probably not that last bit). Samuel is God's representative, bringing the case against Israel. What will the verdict be? What will the result of the trial be? Join us this Sunday as we see God's courtroom grace on display.

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"Do This in Remembrance of Me"

Luke 22:14-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Recently a few of the students in our communicants class expressed that they couldn’t wait to take their first Communion. I must confess that I felt convicted because if I’m to be honest I don’t always look forward to Communion Sundays with such enthusiasm. But I should! The truth is that if we as believers understand what the Lord’s Supper is all about we ought to approach each Communion Sunday with the anticipation of experiencing the grace of Christ in a unique way. Join us this Sunday as we dive into the meaning and beauty of the Lord’s Supper.