Rev. Charlie Phillips

"Fighting Favoritism"

James 2:1-7

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Dan Doriani says, “If there’s one community in this world where all should get equal treatment, it’s the church”. But it’s clear from history and our own experience that favoritism continually plagues God’s people. If there’s equal footing at the cross (which Scripture teaches), why isn’t there equal footing in every day life amongst God’s people? Prepare your hearts by asking for the Spirit’s guidance and join us this Sunday as James challenges us all!

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"Of Holiness & Charity"

James 1:26-27

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The last few weeks James hasn’t pulled any punches, challenging us to think critically about the way we interact with and obey God. Are we quick to listen? Are we doers of the Word? This week James doubles down by revealing that perhaps “our” version of Christianity doesn’t match up with the Lord’s. Pray for the Spirit’s leading as you prepare for Sunday morning!

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"Just Do It"

James 1:22-25

Rev. Charlie Phillips

James 1:25 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”. Commentators argue that this verse is the theme verse of the entire book of James, and therefore one of the more important verses in the Bible. But why? Why is it so significant? Why is James so focused on our “doing” of the Word of God? What are we missing out on if we fail to “do” it? Come this Sunday ready to be a “doer” of the Word!

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"The Plot Thickens"

Ruth 4:1-12

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We’ve seen so much grace and mercy in the story of Ruth…so much hope for the outsider…so much provision for the hurting…so much love from a redeemer. But, just as in the ordinary Christian life, the best is yet to come! Join us this Sunday and on Christmas Eve as we mine the truths of chapter 4 for our joy and the glory of the Incarnate Son! 

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"Homeward Bound"

Ruth 1:1-22

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Centuries ago the Creator of our universe brought together a nobody couple in the nowhere town of Bethlehem. In His sovereign grace they fell in love and bore a child whose importance cannot be overstated. Spoiler alert: I’m not talking about Mary and Joseph, but Ruth, Boaz and their son, Obed. Ruth’s story is one of incredible redemption and hope in the darkness. It’s a sign that God will accomplish His almighty purposes in ways unexpected. Through the line of Obed would come the great King David as well as the King of Kings Himself. A book filled with the hope and longing for redemption, Ruth might be the perfect book to study during Advent. Bring your families and join us this Advent season!

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"What's a Pastor to Do?"

Acts 6:1-7

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll be installing Barr Overcast as our Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Shepherding! Join us as we celebrate God’s grace in providing us an excellent pastor! In light of his installation we’ll be diving into Acts 6 to take a closer look at what a pastor is called to do in the life of the church. See you soon!

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"The Cost of Discipleship"

Luke 14: 25-33

Rev. Charlie Phillips

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This coming Sunday we’ll be jumping into part two in our series on discipleship as we talk about the cost of following Jesus. What exactly does it cost to follow Jesus? Have we ever actually calculated it? Is it worth it? What do we get in return? See you Sunday as we dive in!


On another note, we’re excited to remind you that we will be having a congregational meeting on September 8th after worship for the purpose of voting in Barr Overcast as Associate Pastor of Westminster! As an Associate Pastor Barr will get a vote on the Session and, more importantly, his role will be strengthened as we formally recognize him as our pastor of shepherding and discipleship.

"The Call to Discipleship"

Matthew 11:28a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the next six weeks we’ll be diving into a series on the basics of the Christian faith, on biblical discipleship. This is the perfect time to reassess your understanding of Christianity or to invite a non-believing friend to process life you! This week we’ll be talking about our call to discipleship. What does Jesus’s call to us entail? How should we respond? How can discipleship simplify our complicated lives? See you Sunday!

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"A Shady Conclusion"

Jonah 4:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What would be your reaction if by your evangelism an entire people group came to faith? What if they repented in such a way that it blew your mind? How would you respond? I doubt many of you would respond like Jonah! The ending to the book of Jonah, while just as amazing as the rest of the book, is frustrating because of the way our hero prophet reacts to the mercy of God! But as we’ll see this Sunday, anyone of us can succumb to such an attitude.


Starting in August we’ll be jumping into a 6 sermon series on discipleship. We’ll discuss the call to discipleship, cost of discipleship, culmination of discipleship, cultivation of discipleship, catalyst for discipleship, and challenge to discipleship. This series will bring us back to the basics of Christianity while simultaneously pushing us deeper into our walk with Christ! It will speak directly to both the new believer as well as the seasoned! So bring a friend and come out! 


After that we’ll begin a longer series on the book of James. James has been called the “proverbs of the New Testament”. Can you think of a time where the church has needed more wisdom!

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"The Great Revival: Part 2"

Jonah 3:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What should we expect from God when we evangelize? What does repentance in the life of a non-believer look like? Can God change his mind? These are just a few of the questions dealt with in Jonah chapter 3! Bring a friend on fire for the Lord and join us this Sunday as we dive further into the greatest revival of all time!

"The Great Revival: Part 1"

Jonah 3:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Jonah chapter 3 is one of the most exciting passages in the Bible. An entire nation repents—from kings and noblemen down to paupers and children! There’s more spiritual fruit in 10 verses than we can imagine! Pray for the Spirit’s leading and power as you come to worship this Sunday. Expect to leave changed!

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"Halted & Healed by Grace"

1 Samuel 25:32-44

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll continue the story of 1 Samuel 25 with David being held back from heinous sin and redirected towards the providence of God. Join us as we learn about the restraint, renewal, and restoration of our sovereign God!

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"Comfort in the Wilderness"

1 Samuel 23:15-29

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever been through a season in life where you felt like you were barely hanging on?—Yes, you believed in Jesus and His death and resurrection—but you still felt like your hope was waning? Like David, we all experience seasons in the wilderness, and we long for comfort. Join us this Sunday as we learn where and how to seek the comfort we were made to receive and give.

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"Leadership on the Edge"

1 Samuel 23:1-14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

As we jump back into our study of 1 Samuel we get a glimpse of David at his best—bravely leading his men to save the people of Keilah. But at his best David doesn’t lean on his personal gifting but rather on his sovereign God. By his leadership, he provides a model for Christians called to lead in troubled times in a rapidly changing culture. Join us this Sunday as we learn how to lead on the edge!

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"Resurrection Life"

Romans 6:1-11 Rev. Charlie Phillips

Easter is the one Sunday a year when the majority of Americans attend church. It’s been a tradition or staple of our culture for generations (especially in the south). For many people it’s “just what we do as Americans”. In other words it’s the normal thing to do. But in reality the message of Easter is that the extraordinary has broken through the ordinary, making all things new. Bring your friends and family and join us for a Sunday full of Gospel life!

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"Clinging to the Covenant"

1 Samuel 20:1-42

Rev. Charlie Phillips

David has just escaped attack after attack on his life in chapter 19, ending with his seeking asylum in Ramah with Samuel. It’s clear that Saul will do anything to take David out. So, David flees once again. But where? And why? Come on Sunday ready to learn how a man of God’s own heart responds to fear.

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"War of the Wills"

1 Samuel 19:1-24

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The world is at war all around us—Russia vs Ukraine…Israel vs Palestine…Trump vs Biden…Democrats vs Republicans. But these are not simply wars between nations or political parties. All wars between people groups or each other begin with man’s war against God. The war began when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and it continues to ripple out devastatingly today. Truth be told, we are living in a real-life war of the wills—of man desperately trying to will his way over God. Join us this Sunday as we encounter a desperate Saul attempting to will his way over God and David.

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"Everybody Loves David"

1 Samuel 18:1-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Just when things are going so well for David—he’s established himself as a servant of the king, he’s defeated Goliath, and he’s loved by everyone—everything seemingly unravels as Saul “eyes” him with the intent of destroying him. Come Sunday expecting the Spirit to move among us as we dig into 1 Samuel 18.

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"Sunrise, Sunset: A New King on the Block"

1 Samuel 16:1-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We don’t see things the way God sees them. By definition the finite doesn’t have the view of the infinite. Through Christ we are able to see things from a renewed perspective; He changes the way we view the world, our situation, others, and even ourselves. Come worship with us on Sunday as we seek to see the way He sees and glorify Him.

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