
"The Cultivation Discipleship "

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is much to learn about the Christian life from gardening and plants. Jesus used countless farming images as he taught his disciples, and many other places in the Bible use the images of a tree, a vine, fruit, etc. to describe God's people and His work in their lives. At the heart of all these metaphors is the idea that a life of following Jesus is cultivated rather than made. Join us this Sunday as we look at how we can cultivate a life of following Jesus.

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"Overflowing into Ministry"

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday will be the last in our mini-series on Westminster’s vision going forward. We will be focusing on the idea that true ministry is the mere overflow of our walk with Christ. But how do we overflow? What should our overflow look like? And how should it benefit the world around us? Join us as we take in God's vision for our lives!

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