Rev. Barr Overcast

"Taste and See and Glorify"

James 1:16-18

Rev. Barr Overcast

The last time we were in James, we learned that the man who perseveres under trial is blessed, but the road of faithful perseverance is fraught with temptations to take the easy, sinful way out. The question remains then: How are we to remain steadfast amid these temptations? The answer is simple (though not easy): trust in the goodness of God.

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"Do You Lack Wisdom? "

James 1:5-8

Rev. Barr Overcast

Trials can leave you reeling, unsure where to turn or what to do. In times of hardship, you face decisions you weren't prepared for and never thought you would have to make. This is why God invites us in those moments to ask him for what we lack: wisdom.

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"The Cultivation Discipleship "

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is much to learn about the Christian life from gardening and plants. Jesus used countless farming images as he taught his disciples, and many other places in the Bible use the images of a tree, a vine, fruit, etc. to describe God's people and His work in their lives. At the heart of all these metaphors is the idea that a life of following Jesus is cultivated rather than made. Join us this Sunday as we look at how we can cultivate a life of following Jesus.

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"Out of the Frying Pan; Into the Fire"

1 Samuel 30:1-31

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is probably no question of theology more difficult to answer than the existence of evil. How can God be good and sovereign and still allow evil to exist in the world? In our passage this week, David comes face-to-face with both God's sovereignty and true evil. His story shows us how an understanding of God's sovereignty equips us for the moments when we too are brought face-to-face with evil.

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"Saving the Enemy"

1 Samuel 24:1-24

Rev. Barr Overcast

David's day of deliverance is finally here! Or is it? From every earthly angle, this ought to be the moment when David executes judgment and rids himself and all of Israel of the rejected king. Yet he spares Saul, cutting off nothing more than a bit of Saul's robe. Why? Join us this week as we look at the God-centered perspective that prompts David to save his enemy.

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