"Live Out Loud"

Philippians 1:27-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

So far in Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, he’s has talked a lot about his life—his prayers, sufferings, longings, and plans. But this week he turns his attention to the members of the Philippian church. How ought they to live in light of their circumstances—their sufferings, persecutions, internal struggles, and fears? Join us this week as Paul encourages believers, both then and now, to live out their faith in a non-believing world.

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"Should I Stay or Should I Go"

Philippians 1:22-26

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever gotten front row tickets or ringside seats to a sporting event or concert? The close proximity to the action gives you a perspective far greater and more animated than any other seat in the house. This Sunday we’ll be front and center inside the mind of the Apostle Paul as he weighs a heavy decision. Join us as we learn how to think deeply about life and decision-making.

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"To Live is ______"

Philippians 1:18b-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What does a man think about while in prison? As the sun rises and sets day in and day out what sort of thoughts fill his mind—especially as he knows that death might be right around the corner? Join us this Sunday as we enter into the mind of the Apostle Paul to understand the thoughts of a man suffering for the sake of the Gospel—a man who was determined to rejoice!

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"Motivation for Proclamation"

Philippians 1:15-18a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We know from history that the Apostle Paul had many enemies outside the church—people that sought his arrest and even his death. But often times we forget that he had enemies within the church—envious people that made trouble for him and even increased his suffering. Join us this Sunday as we glean Paul’s response to such troublemakers and examine our own motives for life and ministry.

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"Glorious Growth"

Philippians 1:9-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

When’s the last time you assessed your vision for life? Do your everyday decisions, goals, and values align with that vision? And more importantly, do they align with God’s vision for your life? We don’t often think of it this way, but the way we pray is a good indicator of the direction we’re attempting to head. Join us this Sunday as Paul models what it looks like to pray God’s vision into play.

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"Forever Fellowship"

Philippians 1:3-8

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the past three weeks we’ve discussed Westminster’s vision of cultivating joy in Jesus Christ in Hall County and beyond. Perhaps there’s no better book to follow up our vision series than Philippians—a letter from Paul that’s often called the most “joyful” book in the Bible. Join us this Sunday as we get a preview of what’s to come in the next six months at Westminster!

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"Grace to You"

Philippians 1:1-2

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the past three weeks we’ve discussed Westminster’s vision of cultivating joy in Jesus Christ in Hall County and beyond. Perhaps there’s no better book to follow up our vision series than Philippians—a letter from Paul that’s often called the most “joyful” book in the Bible. Join us this Sunday as we get a preview of what’s to come in the next six months at Westminster!

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"Overflowing into Ministry"

2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday will be the last in our mini-series on Westminster’s vision going forward. We will be focusing on the idea that true ministry is the mere overflow of our walk with Christ. But how do we overflow? What should our overflow look like? And how should it benefit the world around us? Join us as we take in God's vision for our lives!

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"Growing in Discipleship"

Ephesians 4:1-16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past week we talked about Westminster’s vision going forward in 2023. In case you missed it, here it is: “Westminster Church exists to cultivate an overflowing joy in Jesus Christ in Hall County and beyond by connecting to Christ, growing in discipleship, and overflowing into ministry”. This week’s sermon will tackle our call to grow in discipleship. Join us as we dive into Ephesians 4:1-16!

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"Connecting to Christ"

John 15:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

I’m excited to announce that we’ll be beginning a new sermon series on the book of Philippians in just three weeks! Philippians has been called the New Testament book of “joy” for generations, and I’m confident that we’ll find joy together in it during our study. I’m also excited to announce that until then we’ll be diving into a mini-series on the vision of Westminster Church. Join us this Sunday as we talk about “Connecting to Christ”!

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