"Follow the Leader who Follows the Leader"

Philippians 3:17-19

Rev. Charlie Phillips

“We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader. We’re following the leader wherever he may go”. No doubt many of you know that to be the lyrics of a classic Disney song from “Peter Pan” in which the Lost Boys follow John mindlessly through the jungle. While we’re not called to be mindless in our following as believers, we are called to follow. According to Paul (and Jesus:), following is actually a staple of Christianity. Join us this Sunday as we contemplate the importance of following mature believers as they follow after Christ.

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"Further Up & Further In"

Philippians 3:12-16

Rev. Barr Overcast

"Cheer up! You are worse than you think!" Nobody's perfect. But deep down we all want to be. We shrivel up at the thought of our failures, weep over our worst moments, and beat ourselves up for our inability to change. Yet even in our ongoing sin, God has a comfort and a calling for us. Join us this Sunday as we learn from Paul what it means to press on in the midst of our imperfection.

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"The Design of Joy"

Philippians 3:1-6

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we begin chapter three of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, perhaps the most beloved chapter of them all (one of the most beloved in all of Paul’s writings). And it’s not hard to see why. In the first section alone Paul hits on some of the most important themes in the entire New Testament. Don’t miss this Sunday as we take in Paul’s twin commands to “rejoice” and “look out”.

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"A Few Good Men"

Philippians 2:19-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We live in a world obsessed with superheroes. Case in point, the Marvel franchise has earned over $28 billion worldwide, making it the largest movie franchise of all time. This obsession begs the question, why are we looking for heroes? Why are we searching for those that stand out…for those willing to lay it all down for the sake of others? Join us this Sunday as Paul talks about the stellar examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus.

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"Lights in the World"

Philippians 2:14-18

Rev. Charlie Phillips

All of Scripture is intentional. The Holy Spirit moved men to write the exact words we read together every Sunday morning. As such, every movement, paragraph, theological argument, and application are perfectly intended for God’s people—for our growth, conviction, love, and joy. Join us this Sunday as we observe Paul’s intentionality of crafting a people set apart for God.

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"Deep Faith"

Philippians 2:12-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Following on the heels of the proclamation of the glorious truths regarding Jesus’ humiliation and exaltation, Paul switches gears and tackles the nitty gritty of the Christian life. He takes the church at Philippi up the mountaintop of doctrinal glory and then leads them back down to everyday life. Join us as we contemplate our calling as a result of the work of Christ.

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"What Goes Down Must Go Up"

Philippians 2:9-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This week we’ll be focusing on the second half of what has been called a “Christ hymn” of the early church (Philippians 2:5-11). In verses 9-11 we’ll encounter one of the fullest expositions of Jesus’ identity in all of Scripture. Join us as we learn about the incredible nature of Jesus’ exaltation and the future glory we will all experience.

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"I Am the Resurrection"

John 11:17-44

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Jonathan Edwards said that the “resurrection of Christ is the most joyful event that ever came to pass; because hereby Christ rested from the great and difficult work of purchasing redemption, and received God’s testimony, that it was finished”. But how does His finished work apply to our joy today? Join us this Sunday as we contemplate and celebrate our risen Lord and Savior!

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"A Sending Church"

Romans 10:5-17

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The ultimate paradox. Pure power seated in pure humility. The Lord of life riding towards the chosen hill of death. A choice. Pain, torture, redemption. All in the name of love. All for the securing of eternal beings made in His image. His end wouldn’t be our end. It would be the beginning of worldwide proclamation. He’d prayed for it and the Spirit would deliver it. Join us this week as we connect Jesus’ ride on Palm Sunday with our call to proclaim His glory to the world.

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"How Good and Pleasant"

"How Good and Pleasant"

Philippians is known as Paul's joy letter. We've seen that the source of Paul's joy as he waits in prison is knowing and being known by Jesus, and he finds so much joy in this that he can say "To live is Christ; to die is gain." But now as we transition into v. 2, we read that something is lacking in Paul's joy. Join us this week as we learn what that something is and how our joy is made complete.

"Live Out Loud"

Philippians 1:27-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

So far in Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi, he’s has talked a lot about his life—his prayers, sufferings, longings, and plans. But this week he turns his attention to the members of the Philippian church. How ought they to live in light of their circumstances—their sufferings, persecutions, internal struggles, and fears? Join us this week as Paul encourages believers, both then and now, to live out their faith in a non-believing world.

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"Should I Stay or Should I Go"

Philippians 1:22-26

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever gotten front row tickets or ringside seats to a sporting event or concert? The close proximity to the action gives you a perspective far greater and more animated than any other seat in the house. This Sunday we’ll be front and center inside the mind of the Apostle Paul as he weighs a heavy decision. Join us as we learn how to think deeply about life and decision-making.

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"To Live is ______"

Philippians 1:18b-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What does a man think about while in prison? As the sun rises and sets day in and day out what sort of thoughts fill his mind—especially as he knows that death might be right around the corner? Join us this Sunday as we enter into the mind of the Apostle Paul to understand the thoughts of a man suffering for the sake of the Gospel—a man who was determined to rejoice!

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"Motivation for Proclamation"

Philippians 1:15-18a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We know from history that the Apostle Paul had many enemies outside the church—people that sought his arrest and even his death. But often times we forget that he had enemies within the church—envious people that made trouble for him and even increased his suffering. Join us this Sunday as we glean Paul’s response to such troublemakers and examine our own motives for life and ministry.

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"Glorious Growth"

Philippians 1:9-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

When’s the last time you assessed your vision for life? Do your everyday decisions, goals, and values align with that vision? And more importantly, do they align with God’s vision for your life? We don’t often think of it this way, but the way we pray is a good indicator of the direction we’re attempting to head. Join us this Sunday as Paul models what it looks like to pray God’s vision into play.

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"Forever Fellowship"

Philippians 1:3-8

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the past three weeks we’ve discussed Westminster’s vision of cultivating joy in Jesus Christ in Hall County and beyond. Perhaps there’s no better book to follow up our vision series than Philippians—a letter from Paul that’s often called the most “joyful” book in the Bible. Join us this Sunday as we get a preview of what’s to come in the next six months at Westminster!

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"Grace to You"

Philippians 1:1-2

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the past three weeks we’ve discussed Westminster’s vision of cultivating joy in Jesus Christ in Hall County and beyond. Perhaps there’s no better book to follow up our vision series than Philippians—a letter from Paul that’s often called the most “joyful” book in the Bible. Join us this Sunday as we get a preview of what’s to come in the next six months at Westminster!

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