"Judge, Jury, Grace"

1 Samuel 12:1-25

Rev. Barr Overcast

In our text this week, Samuel is stepping into his role as judge one last time, complete with a black robe, a white wig, and a gavel (okay probably not that last bit). Samuel is God's representative, bringing the case against Israel. What will the verdict be? What will the result of the trial be? Join us this Sunday as we see God's courtroom grace on display.

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"Facing the Enemy"

1 Samuel 11:1-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Of the reformers, Martin Luther had a particularly keen perception of spiritual warfare. Famously known for throwing an ink well at Satan and frequently preaching at him, Luther understood the reality of being attacked. He once said, “The devil can’t have any other intention than to destroy us because he’s the foe of Christ. Satan is opposed to the church. The best thing we can do, therefore, is to put our fists together and pray”. During this Reformation Sunday we’ll encounter Israel at war with her enemies and dig deeper into our own warfare. See you soon!

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"Long Live the King"

1 Samuel 10:1-27

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Coronation ceremonies in the United Kingdom receive wide fanfare across the world. In May of this year, King Charles III was coronated in front of a large audience with a further 30+ million in the UK and USA watching from home. The crowning took place at the beautiful Westminster Abbey and included a beautiful service filled with oaths and the anointing and robing of the new king. This week in our study of 1 Samuel we encounter quite a different crowning ceremony. Join us this Sunday as Saul is anointed and coronated.

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"God Uses Donkeys"

1 Samuel 9: 1-27

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we begin a new section in 1 Samuel as the sun rises on the monarchy. The scene unfolds with a search for donkeys and ends with the elevation of a nobody from the land of Benjamin named Saul. Come ready to observe the incredible ways God works in, through, and around His people to accomplish His purposes!

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"Like All the Nations"

1 Samuel 8:1-22

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past Sunday pastor Mark Bates encouraged us to live on mission—that we as a people set apart by God have an important role in reaching the world. But what happens when God’s set apart people no longer act set apart from the world? What happens when they instead prefer to be set apart from God? Join us this week as we encounter the dawn of the monarchy in Israel.

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"To Change the World"

Isaiah 2:1-5

Rev. Mark Bates

It is easy to grow discouraged about the state of the world, whether it is war in Ukraine, corruption in Washington, or even conflict in our own households. In the midst of this brokenness, God’s prophet Isaiah gives us a promise of hope, a promise of a world made right. Join us this Sunday as we discover in God’s Word how we can participate in God’s work of fixing our broken world.

About Mark Bates: Mark Bates is MTW's senior director of U.S. Operations. Mark has a B.A. in Greek from Bryan College and a master's degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. He served as youth and singles pastor at Orangewood PCA in Maitland, Florida. In 1991, Mark and his wife, Tricia, founded University Presbyterian Church in Orlando. From 2007-2021, Mark served as senior pastor of Village Seven PCA in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mark and Tricia have three daughters.

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"Recipe for Revival"

1 Samuel 7:3-17

Rev. Barr Overcast

Have you missed him? It's been a while since we've seen Samuel in the book that bears his name. Since the last time we saw Samuel, Israel has gone from bad to worse, and we might be left wondering whether there's any hope for God's rebellious, foolish people. We hope you'll join us this Sunday as we learn about Israel's hope, and ours.

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"Five Blind Mice and One Holy God"

1 Samuel 6:1-7:2

Rev. Charlie Phillips

RC Sproul taught that when we begin to understand the character of God we begin to understand His holiness. And when we begin to understand His holiness we begin to understand our sin and hopelessness. And when we begin to understand the depth of our sin we cling to God like no other! Unfortunately, the holiness of God has often taken a backseat in Christianity. Thankfully God has given us passages like 1 Samuel 6! Join us this week as the ark finally lands back in good hands!

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"Our God is Greater"

1 Samuel 5:1-12

Rev. Charlie Phillips

How do you process life when the chips are down—and not just personally, but culturally? Is God still out there? Is He mighty enough to defeat His and our enemies? Will they get away with their sin in the end? This Sunday we’ll be diving into chapter 5 and studying the arrogant Philistines as they attempt to put God in His place. See you soon!

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"The Lost Ark"

1 Samuel 4:1b-22

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever found yourself seeking the blessings of God without the presence of God? John Woodhouse said that religion for many people is not a seeking after God but a seeking after his power. Does that describe believers today or even you? Join us this Sunday as we study a power struggle between Israel and her enemies with a failed power grab by God’s people.

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"God Speaks"

1 Samuel 3:1-4a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What would life be like if you didn’t have God’s Word? We sometimes take the Bible for granted because there are millions of copies in hundreds of different languages. Not only that but there are numerous apps, thousands of websites, and a plethora of churches in our country all espousing and promoting God’s Word. But what if all of this went away? What would our lives be like? That’s the context for Israel when Samuel was born. But because of God’s faithfulness and grace it wouldn’t continue that way. Join us this week as we encounter God reviving His Word by establishing Israel’s first prophet.

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"Out of the Ashes"

1 Samuel 2:12-36

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In 1 Samuel chapter 1 we learned of the spiritual desolation of God’s people following the period of the Judges. As we move into chapter 2 we learn just how devastating the desolation was-resulting in a corrupt priesthood. But amidst the darkness and desolation we also see glimpses of light-embers in the ashes. Join us this Sunday as we study God’s steadfast love amidst the ruins.

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Whispers of Grace"

"1 Samuel 1:1-2:11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What could an infertile woman and a nation possibly have in common? Apparently quite a lot according to the book of 1 Samuel. As we begin our new series together we will discover that there are few books in the Old Testament that depict redemption in such striking ways. Join us this Sunday as we go back over 3,000 years to study the incredible beginnings of the monarchy in ancient Israel. Come with an expectant heart!

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"Giving Until it Hurts"

Philippians 4:14-26

Rev. Charlie Phillips

St. Francis of Assisi said, “above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self”. There are few people more infamous in Christendom than St. Francis of Assisi in regard to self-sacrifice-giving up a life of inherited luxury to serve the poor and unprivileged. A life like his leaves behind a ripple. It makes us ponder the weight of sacrificing self. Join us this Sunday for our last sermon in the book of Philippians as we dive deep into the gift, joy, and power of self-sacrifice.

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"The Secret of Contentment"

Philippians 4:10-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past week I googled “contentment in America” and up came study after study showing that Americans are less content and satisfied than they’ve been in 50 years. This is despite the fact that the average American home has grown from a modest 983 square feet to 2,436 square feet and is filled with with approximately 300,000 items! Given that we have so much, why are we so discontent? Join us this Sunday as Paul teaches us the secret to contentment.

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"Peace of Mind"

Philippians 4:8-9

Rev. Barr Overcast

In recent years, the human brain has been compared to a super computer, with some estimates of the brain's processing power coming in at 1 exaFLOP (I'll let you look up what that means if you want). Yet more often than not our minds feel like a mess of confusion, error, and sinful thoughts. Join us this Sunday to hear what the Bible has to say about our minds and how we ought to use them.

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"Breaking the Anxiety Cycle"


Rev. Charlie Phillips

Charles Spurgeon rightly said that “anxiety doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.” It’s fair to say that since the pandemic, anxiety has become a staple of life in the postmodern world. Questions dominate our thinking such as: “Will another virus spring up this year? Who can we trust to tell us the truth? Will our investments ever fully recover from the downturn? Will America ever be the same?” This Sunday Paul gives us a lifeline—the solution to all the anxiety we’ll ever face. Join us as we learn to rest in Christ together.

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"Persevering Pilgrims"

Philippians 3:20-4:1

Rev. Charlie Phillips

There’s been a lot of debate the past few election cycles about what it means to be an American. How ought an American to think…act…treat others…raise children? We are told that to be American is to be distinct or even exceptional. There’s no question that we ought to pursue excellence as Americans, but how much more ought we to be distinct as Christians in this world. As Paul points out in this week’s passage, we are citizens, not of this world, but of heaven. How should our true citizenship affect the way we think or act or treat others? Join us this Sunday as we discuss God’s desire for our distinction.

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"Hold the Line"

Ephesians 6:10-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This week’s VBS theme, based on Ephesians 6:1-18, is “Standing Strong in Today’s Battle for Truth”. Our kids are learning all about the provision God has given us through his “armor”. Not only that, but they’re learning that their salvation was made secure by the ultimate warrior-king who died a sinner’s death. Join us this Sunday as we talk about the state of warfare we live in and the means by which God helps us fight the good fight of the faith.

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