"Faith Works"

James 2:20-26

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past Sunday we talked about how our faith must flesh itself out in works. James was crystal clear on that in verses 2:14-19, but now he takes things even further—illustrating his point with two people from the great hall of faith in Hebrews 11. Join us as we continue our deep dive into faith and works!

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"Why Is Our Mission for Every Nation?"

Psalm 46:10

Dr. Richard Pratt

Jesus calls all who follow him to do all they can so that all people can hear the good news about him. Why? Don't we have enough problems to deal with in our own country? Don't we have enough trials to deal with in our families and personal lives? From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells us to pay attention to what is near us, but it also calls us to glorify God by reaching the whole world for him.


Please make plans to attend as much of our Missions Conference this weekend as possible! You’ll have the opportunity to interact with ministry workers/missionaries we support locally and abroad Friday evening and all day Saturday (see below for schedule)!


We are especially excited to have with us Dr. Richard Pratt! Dr. Pratt has spent his life working to educate pastors around the world in order that every Christian can have a well-taught pastor! He will be teaching in Sunday School and preaching a Gospel-centered message in our service designed to motivate us towards global missions! See you there!

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"The Royal Treatment"

James 2:8-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday is family worship Sunday at Westminster, which means that we’ll all be together—from the youngest to the oldest! What a reminder that we’re one big happy (and holy) family, and that our individual struggle against sin is actually a family affair. Several times throughout chapters 1 and 2 James has referred to the church as “brothers” (or brothers and sisters). And he’s done so amidst direct exhortations to grow in holiness as we learn to “do” the word by loving others. So let’s come to worship ready to be challenged as a family—a royal family, called to live out the royal law!

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"Blessed to be a Blessing"

Genesis 12:1-3

Rev. Corey Pelton

Did you know that a simple hand on the shoulder can be a blessing? Or even an engaged nod and empathetic ear. An “I’m so proud of you” can be God displaying His favor through you to someone else. People all around us are seeking approval in all of the wrong places. We can be the ambassadors God has called us to be to display that Jesus came, not to condemn, but to rescue so that they can be ushered into His favorable presence.

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"Fighting Favoritism"

James 2:1-7

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Dan Doriani says, “If there’s one community in this world where all should get equal treatment, it’s the church”. But it’s clear from history and our own experience that favoritism continually plagues God’s people. If there’s equal footing at the cross (which Scripture teaches), why isn’t there equal footing in every day life amongst God’s people? Prepare your hearts by asking for the Spirit’s guidance and join us this Sunday as James challenges us all!

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"Of Holiness & Charity"

James 1:26-27

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The last few weeks James hasn’t pulled any punches, challenging us to think critically about the way we interact with and obey God. Are we quick to listen? Are we doers of the Word? This week James doubles down by revealing that perhaps “our” version of Christianity doesn’t match up with the Lord’s. Pray for the Spirit’s leading as you prepare for Sunday morning!

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"Just Do It"

James 1:22-25

Rev. Charlie Phillips

James 1:25 says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”. Commentators argue that this verse is the theme verse of the entire book of James, and therefore one of the more important verses in the Bible. But why? Why is it so significant? Why is James so focused on our “doing” of the Word of God? What are we missing out on if we fail to “do” it? Come this Sunday ready to be a “doer” of the Word!

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"Hurry Up & Shut Up"

James 1:19-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If one of your resolutions this New Year is to seek and obtain wisdom you’re in the right place because we’re jumping back into the “Proverbs of the New Testament”. James has a unique way of challenging us, and this week is no exception. Come expecting the Spirit’s movement as we’re challenged to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger!

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"Deep and Wide"

Romans 1:16

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Currently everyone is rethinking their priorities, making goals, and creating systems for growth. It’s a healthy way to begin the year!

At Westminster we purposefully begin every new year by revisiting our reason for existing and vision for ministry. Join us this first Sunday of 2025 as we seek Gospel growth together!

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