Psalm 46:10
Dr. Richard Pratt
Jesus calls all who follow him to do all they can so that all people can hear the good news about him. Why? Don't we have enough problems to deal with in our own country? Don't we have enough trials to deal with in our families and personal lives? From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible tells us to pay attention to what is near us, but it also calls us to glorify God by reaching the whole world for him.
Please make plans to attend as much of our Missions Conference this weekend as possible! You’ll have the opportunity to interact with ministry workers/missionaries we support locally and abroad Friday evening and all day Saturday (see below for schedule)!
We are especially excited to have with us Dr. Richard Pratt! Dr. Pratt has spent his life working to educate pastors around the world in order that every Christian can have a well-taught pastor! He will be teaching in Sunday School and preaching a Gospel-centered message in our service designed to motivate us towards global missions! See you there!
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