"What Lies Beneath"

1 Samuel 25:1-31

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In many ways David has lived an exemplary life of suffering in the wilderness. He’s sought help from the priesthood, leaned on the Lord, taken counsel from Jonathan, and remembered God’s faithfulness over the years. Chapter 25 is the first time we see a different side of David. Pray for the Spirit’s leading as we gather this Sunday to explore the depth of the human heart.

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"Saving the Enemy"

1 Samuel 24:1-24

Rev. Barr Overcast

David's day of deliverance is finally here! Or is it? From every earthly angle, this ought to be the moment when David executes judgment and rids himself and all of Israel of the rejected king. Yet he spares Saul, cutting off nothing more than a bit of Saul's robe. Why? Join us this week as we look at the God-centered perspective that prompts David to save his enemy.

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"Comfort in the Wilderness"

1 Samuel 23:15-29

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever been through a season in life where you felt like you were barely hanging on?—Yes, you believed in Jesus and His death and resurrection—but you still felt like your hope was waning? Like David, we all experience seasons in the wilderness, and we long for comfort. Join us this Sunday as we learn where and how to seek the comfort we were made to receive and give.

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"Leadership on the Edge"

1 Samuel 23:1-14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

As we jump back into our study of 1 Samuel we get a glimpse of David at his best—bravely leading his men to save the people of Keilah. But at his best David doesn’t lean on his personal gifting but rather on his sovereign God. By his leadership, he provides a model for Christians called to lead in troubled times in a rapidly changing culture. Join us this Sunday as we learn how to lead on the edge!

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"Spirit-led Reflections"

2 Corinthians 13:14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

How well do you know our Trinitarian God? Is He is your passion? Is He your all in all? Are you progressing in your knowledge of the Godhead? It’s really easy in the Christian life to stay surface-level in the faith. And for that reason many believers never fully enjoy the depths of the Godhead. Join us this Sunday as we talk about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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"Resurrection Life"

Romans 6:1-11 Rev. Charlie Phillips

Easter is the one Sunday a year when the majority of Americans attend church. It’s been a tradition or staple of our culture for generations (especially in the south). For many people it’s “just what we do as Americans”. In other words it’s the normal thing to do. But in reality the message of Easter is that the extraordinary has broken through the ordinary, making all things new. Bring your friends and family and join us for a Sunday full of Gospel life!

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"You Will Receive Power When the Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You"

Acts 1:8

Rev. Doug McNutt

Jesus does not expect any missionary, any preacher, any officer, any member to be an effective witness for Him UNLESS you have received that power from the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We cannot do anything without the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus said in John 15:5 “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Let’s pray and ask once again for that power to come down from above in our lives!

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"Faith for the Distressed"

1 Samuel 22:1-23

Rev. Dr. Stephen Estock

In the face of life's trials, we often struggle to remain faith-filled people, and our hope is easily quenched by cynicism and faithlessness. But God is faithful. Join us this Sunday as we learn about the character of our King which invites us to trust in His deliverance.

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"Man on the Run"

1 Samuel 21:1-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

No one who’s given a serious read of the Bible can make the claim that God’s people have it easy—that leaders like David had a trouble-free life. As any talented writer knows, drama makes for good story. It also reveals truths about our Creator. Join us this Sunday as we learn of God’s grace for His people on the run!

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"Clinging to the Covenant"

1 Samuel 20:1-42

Rev. Charlie Phillips

David has just escaped attack after attack on his life in chapter 19, ending with his seeking asylum in Ramah with Samuel. It’s clear that Saul will do anything to take David out. So, David flees once again. But where? And why? Come on Sunday ready to learn how a man of God’s own heart responds to fear.

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"War of the Wills"

1 Samuel 19:1-24

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The world is at war all around us—Russia vs Ukraine…Israel vs Palestine…Trump vs Biden…Democrats vs Republicans. But these are not simply wars between nations or political parties. All wars between people groups or each other begin with man’s war against God. The war began when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and it continues to ripple out devastatingly today. Truth be told, we are living in a real-life war of the wills—of man desperately trying to will his way over God. Join us this Sunday as we encounter a desperate Saul attempting to will his way over God and David.

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"Everybody Loves David"

1 Samuel 18:1-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Just when things are going so well for David—he’s established himself as a servant of the king, he’s defeated Goliath, and he’s loved by everyone—everything seemingly unravels as Saul “eyes” him with the intent of destroying him. Come Sunday expecting the Spirit to move among us as we dig into 1 Samuel 18.

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"The Lord Be With You"

1 Samuel 17:1-37

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we come to perhaps the most well-known and beloved story in the entire Bible. Given that we know it so well, it’s easy to assume that we’ve wrung all the truth and joy from it. However, there’s always so much more than meets the eye. Join us for worship as we seek the glory of Christ in the story of David and Goliath.

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"Sunrise, Sunset: A New King on the Block"

1 Samuel 16:1-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We don’t see things the way God sees them. By definition the finite doesn’t have the view of the infinite. Through Christ we are able to see things from a renewed perspective; He changes the way we view the world, our situation, others, and even ourselves. Come worship with us on Sunday as we seek to see the way He sees and glorify Him.

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"Obedience > Sacrifice"

1 Samuel 14:47-15:1-35

Rev Charlie Phillips

One of my favorite times of the year is the very beginning. There’s all this energy swirling around our goals and vision for life. Everyone stops for a moment and considers how their present steps are affecting their future lives and aspirations. I love it! I would in fact argue that we’re called to do such reassessments throughout our lives, and not just because of our cultural drift (which we talked about this past Sunday), but because we’re called to be stewards of the gifts, talents, and resources God has given us. Join us this Sunday as we talk about living on vision as a church community.

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"Be Thou My Vision"

Ephesians 3:14-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

One of my favorite times of the year is the very beginning. There’s all this energy swirling around our goals and vision for life. Everyone stops for a moment and considers how their present steps are affecting their future lives and aspirations. I love it! I would in fact argue that we’re called to do such reassessments throughout our lives, and not just because of our cultural drift (which we talked about this past Sunday), but because we’re called to be stewards of the gifts, talents, and resources God has given us. Join us this Sunday as we talk about living on vision as a church community.

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"Only Followers Truly Lead"

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Rev. Charlie Phillips

John Piper once said, “Servanthood does not nullify leadership: it defines it. Jesus does not cease to be the Lion of Judah when He becomes the lamblike servant of the church.” Starting this Sunday, you’ll have the opportunity to nominate candidates for offices of elder and deacon. As we prepare to select men for office, we need to prepare our hearts and wrap them around God’s design for biblical leadership. Our definitions and desires for leadership must come from Him. Join us this Sunday as we consider God’s standards for a king.

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"God For Us"

Titus 3:4-7

Rev Charlie Phillips

Join us this Christmas Eve as we conclude our Advent series “God With Us”. In the morning we’ll be studying the ways in which God is “for” us. The Apostle Paul said, “If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” In the evening, after hearing and singing of God’s incredible love we’ll contemplate God being “above” us via the ascension of Christ at the end of His glorious Incarnation season. See you soon!

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God With Us

Matthew 1:18-25

Rev Alan Foster

One of the beauties of Christmas is the truth that God has come in the flesh. The Biblical term for this is Immanuel. It means God with us. Join us this Sunday as we explore the implications of the fact that at Christmas Jesus came to be God with us.

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