"The Cultivation Discipleship "

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is much to learn about the Christian life from gardening and plants. Jesus used countless farming images as he taught his disciples, and many other places in the Bible use the images of a tree, a vine, fruit, etc. to describe God's people and His work in their lives. At the heart of all these metaphors is the idea that a life of following Jesus is cultivated rather than made. Join us this Sunday as we look at how we can cultivate a life of following Jesus.

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"The Catalyst for Discipleship: Part 2"

Mark 1:35

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past week we talked about Jesus as “the way”—that Jesus modeled for us by His pattern of living a means of thriving in this world. Join us this week for part two as we discuss a secret weapon for living that empowers us to take our next steps. Pray for the Spirit's leading as you come to worship!

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"The Catalyst of Discipleship"

John 14:6a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

So far in our series on discipleship we’ve talked about the call and cost of following Jesus, both of which are astounding in depth and have enormous implications for our lives. Scripture tells us that we come with Jesus at great cost in order that we might become like Jesus in great measure. But are there any helps along the way? How might we become like Him? Join us this Sunday as we talk about the “catalyst” for discipleship.

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"The Cost of Discipleship"

Luke 14: 25-33

Rev. Charlie Phillips

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This coming Sunday we’ll be jumping into part two in our series on discipleship as we talk about the cost of following Jesus. What exactly does it cost to follow Jesus? Have we ever actually calculated it? Is it worth it? What do we get in return? See you Sunday as we dive in!


On another note, we’re excited to remind you that we will be having a congregational meeting on September 8th after worship for the purpose of voting in Barr Overcast as Associate Pastor of Westminster! As an Associate Pastor Barr will get a vote on the Session and, more importantly, his role will be strengthened as we formally recognize him as our pastor of shepherding and discipleship.

"The Call to Discipleship"

Matthew 11:28a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the next six weeks we’ll be diving into a series on the basics of the Christian faith, on biblical discipleship. This is the perfect time to reassess your understanding of Christianity or to invite a non-believing friend to process life you! This week we’ll be talking about our call to discipleship. What does Jesus’s call to us entail? How should we respond? How can discipleship simplify our complicated lives? See you Sunday!

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"A Shady Conclusion"

Jonah 4:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What would be your reaction if by your evangelism an entire people group came to faith? What if they repented in such a way that it blew your mind? How would you respond? I doubt many of you would respond like Jonah! The ending to the book of Jonah, while just as amazing as the rest of the book, is frustrating because of the way our hero prophet reacts to the mercy of God! But as we’ll see this Sunday, anyone of us can succumb to such an attitude.


Starting in August we’ll be jumping into a 6 sermon series on discipleship. We’ll discuss the call to discipleship, cost of discipleship, culmination of discipleship, cultivation of discipleship, catalyst for discipleship, and challenge to discipleship. This series will bring us back to the basics of Christianity while simultaneously pushing us deeper into our walk with Christ! It will speak directly to both the new believer as well as the seasoned! So bring a friend and come out! 


After that we’ll begin a longer series on the book of James. James has been called the “proverbs of the New Testament”. Can you think of a time where the church has needed more wisdom!

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"The Great Revival: Part 2"

Jonah 3:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What should we expect from God when we evangelize? What does repentance in the life of a non-believer look like? Can God change his mind? These are just a few of the questions dealt with in Jonah chapter 3! Bring a friend on fire for the Lord and join us this Sunday as we dive further into the greatest revival of all time!


"The Great Revival: Part 1"

Jonah 3:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Jonah chapter 3 is one of the most exciting passages in the Bible. An entire nation repents—from kings and noblemen down to paupers and children! There’s more spiritual fruit in 10 verses than we can imagine! Pray for the Spirit’s leading and power as you come to worship this Sunday. Expect to leave changed!

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"A Whale of a Crucible"

Jonah 1:17-2:10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Suffering…desperate prayer…redemption…resurrection—all themes of Jonah chapter 2. If you’ve ever felt alone or dejected in your suffering, this chapter is for you. Not only do we encounter a prophet reoriented to his calling in life…not only do we see the Gospel once again going forward…but we also see redemption taking effect in the last place anyone would ever expect—in the belly of a whale! See you Sunday!

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"Into the Sea"

Jonah 1:4-16

Rev. Barr Overcast

The trials we experience are often compared to a storm, and with good reason. Storms can be dangerous and deadly, and they are always completely out of our control. This is even more true of a storm at sea: the wind and waves crash against the side of the boat, tossing the passengers back and forth above the watery depths. This Sunday, we'll look at Jonah caught in the storm and learn what his storm has to teach us about the struggles and pain of our own lives.

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"But Jonah..."

Jonah 1:1-3

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Join us this Sunday as we begin a five part series on the book of Jonah! As you’ll see, there’s a reason Jonah is the favorite of many children and adults! As we “dive in” to our study, I want you to prepare yourself for the ride you’re about to take. Do that by asking the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart to what He’s about to teach you. Put yourself in a submissive posture to take it all in!

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“Unhappily Ever After”

1 Samuel 31:1-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

After nearly a year, our study of 1 Samuel is coming to a close - and what an ending we have in chapter 31! It’s as shocking as it is educational for God’s people! Join us as we encounter the fall of Israel’s first king - a king like all the other nations.


Starting next week we’ll be embarking on a five-part series on the book of Jonah! Take your seasickness meds and get ready for an incredible journey of grace!

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"Light in the Midst of Darkness"

Psalm 23:4

Rev. Lee Lovett

No one wants to be in the dark! We’ve all asked the question, “Is there light at the end of the tunnel?" The news community seems to only report darkness and pain. We look at society, politics, “global warming”, etc. and worry about the future for ourselves and our children. Is there light for living powerfully in a broken world? Join us for worship this Sunday!

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"The King of the Ages"

1 Timothy 1:12-17

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll be taking a break from our study of 1 Samuel so that we can connect to the theme of this year’s VBS! We’ll be diving into the kingship of God as expressed in 1 Timothy 1:17, and we’ll see that the King of the universe has been governing this world and will continue to govern it in an incredibly unique way. Join us as we gather to worship the King!

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"Out of the Frying Pan; Into the Fire"

1 Samuel 30:1-31

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is probably no question of theology more difficult to answer than the existence of evil. How can God be good and sovereign and still allow evil to exist in the world? In our passage this week, David comes face-to-face with both God's sovereignty and true evil. His story shows us how an understanding of God's sovereignty equips us for the moments when we too are brought face-to-face with evil.

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"Inexhaustible Mercy"

1 Samuel 29:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In chapter 29 we see the unthinkable happening with David and his men preparing to march with the Philistines against God’s people. It’s both a frightening scene and a comforting scene. It’s frightening in that it shows how far our sin can lead us. It’s comforting in that it shows us the depths from which God can deliver us. Join us this Sunday as we explore the inexhaustible nature of God’s mercy for His people.

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"Can't Beat the Real Thing"

1 Samuel 28:3-25

Rev. Charlie Phillips

As we wind up our study of 1 Samuel we see that Saul is winding down—the clock is literally ticking down until his demise. In typical fashion Saul seeks the benefits of God rather than God himself and what results is one of the strangest passages in the entire Bible! Bring a friend and worship with us this Sunday as we study an unholy séance!

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"Soul Propaganda"

1 Samuel 27:1-28:2

Rev. Charlie Phillips

The first verse of 1 Samuel 27 is shocking - “Then David said in his heart, ‘Now I shall perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape to the land of the Philistines.’” Given that David just had victory over his sin and had once again cornered Saul and let him live, this pronouncement of defeat comes out of left field! What would cause the upcoming king—whose future has repeatedly been laid out to him—to falter in such a way? Join us for worship Sunday morning and find out!

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"Deja Vu All Over Again"

1 Samuel 26:1-25

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Chapter 26 recounts David and Saul’s last interaction together. Their relationship has been a rocky road at best—filled with numerous attempts at murder and close call after close call. This intense interaction shows us just what kind of men they came to be during their struggle. Join us this Sunday as we see how their relationship concludes.

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"Halted & Healed by Grace"

1 Samuel 25:32-44

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll continue the story of 1 Samuel 25 with David being held back from heinous sin and redirected towards the providence of God. Join us as we learn about the restraint, renewal, and restoration of our sovereign God!

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