"Christianity: The Un-Religion"

Romans 5:6-8

Dr. McKay Caston

Join us this Sunday as we head into the New Year with a sermon from the book of Romans! Romans 5:6-8 presents a striking alternative to what many folks think about religion. In fact, in view of this passage, we can think of Christianity as the un-religion. See you Sunday!

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"The Plot Thickens"

Ruth 4:1-12

Rev. Charlie Phillips

We’ve seen so much grace and mercy in the story of Ruth…so much hope for the outsider…so much provision for the hurting…so much love from a redeemer. But, just as in the ordinary Christian life, the best is yet to come! Join us this Sunday and on Christmas Eve as we mine the truths of chapter 4 for our joy and the glory of the Incarnate Son! 

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"Follow the Mercy"

Ruth 2:1-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In chapter 2 of Ruth, we see the first snippets of one of the greatest romance stories ever told. It’s one that reminds us that God pursues His people in ways that are not only redemptive, but beautiful—ways that break into the ordinary details of our lives and magnify the bigger picture of salvation. Come in a posture to receive His love!

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"Homeward Bound"

Ruth 1:1-22

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Centuries ago the Creator of our universe brought together a nobody couple in the nowhere town of Bethlehem. In His sovereign grace they fell in love and bore a child whose importance cannot be overstated. Spoiler alert: I’m not talking about Mary and Joseph, but Ruth, Boaz and their son, Obed. Ruth’s story is one of incredible redemption and hope in the darkness. It’s a sign that God will accomplish His almighty purposes in ways unexpected. Through the line of Obed would come the great King David as well as the King of Kings Himself. A book filled with the hope and longing for redemption, Ruth might be the perfect book to study during Advent. Bring your families and join us this Advent season!

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"Taste and See and Glorify"

James 1:16-18

Rev. Barr Overcast

The last time we were in James, we learned that the man who perseveres under trial is blessed, but the road of faithful perseverance is fraught with temptations to take the easy, sinful way out. The question remains then: How are we to remain steadfast amid these temptations? The answer is simple (though not easy): trust in the goodness of God.

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"What's a Pastor to Do?"

Acts 6:1-7

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll be installing Barr Overcast as our Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Shepherding! Join us as we celebrate God’s grace in providing us an excellent pastor! In light of his installation we’ll be diving into Acts 6 to take a closer look at what a pastor is called to do in the life of the church. See you soon!

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"Christ is Building His Church"

Matthew 16:13-20

Rev. Brandon Hawkes

Let me prove this to you from God's word: Jesus Christ is building the Kingdom of God through the planting of churches! How does he do that and what does it look like for you to be a part of that great mission?

About Rev Brandon Hawkes: A native of Charlotte, NC, Brandon is married to Annalee and they have 3 children. He graduated from NC State University (Forestry) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.div). He served in campus ministry, youth ministry, and church planting in North and South Carolina before moving the GA to help with the church planting effort in Toccoa. Brandon loves playing sports in his free time (especially basketball and disc golf) and being outside with his whole family.

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"Of Testing and Temptation"

James 1:12-15

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever felt that your suffering is a testing of your faith, and that you’re holding on for dear life?! Or that you too easily give into temptation, but desire grace to fight it? If so, James has wisdom for you! Join us this Sunday as we worship, learn, and approach the Lord’s table for grace!

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"The Rich Poor"

James 1:7-9

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What keeps you up at night? What do you worry about? Keep that thought in your mind and ask yourself this question, “should I worry about this given that I’m a child of the King?” Join us this Sunday as James encourages us in our unstable world to find our stability in Christ.

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"Do You Lack Wisdom? "

James 1:5-8

Rev. Barr Overcast

Trials can leave you reeling, unsure where to turn or what to do. In times of hardship, you face decisions you weren't prepared for and never thought you would have to make. This is why God invites us in those moments to ask him for what we lack: wisdom.

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"The Promise of Pain "

James 1:1-4

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Charles Spurgeon once said “I have often looked gratefully back to my sick chamber. I am certain that I never did grow in grace one-half so much anywhere as I have upon the bed of pain”. What would make a Christian say such a thing? What would make him dignify his pain instead of dismiss it? James begins his book of wisdom for the Christian by tackling a subject that is absolutely relevant for every believer in every age. Join us this Sunday as we begin our study of the “Proverbs of the New Testament”.

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"The Faith of Our Perhaps"

1 Samuel 14:1-23

Rev. Corey Pelton

The Lord calls a people to Himself designating them as His ambassadors to bless their families, neighbors, communities, and nations with His good news of rescue. Perhaps he is calling you to take a step forward and trust Him? What could it look like to see the Lord work through you?

About Rev. Corey Pelton: He's a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America, and currently the director of Rural Church Development and the director of Rural Church Planting for Mission to North America. . He and his wife, Holly, moved to the north Georgia mountains in January 2022 after years of pastoring throughout the South. They both grew up in East Tennessee and are University of Tennessee alum. They spent 8 years in Jackson, MS where Corey attended seminary and worked with Reformed University Fellowship at Belhaven College. In 2002 they moved to Hot Springs, AR to organize a mission church into a fully organized church. After pastoring there for 8 years, they were called to Travelers Rest, SC to pastor Redeemer Presbyterian Church. 2019 took them to Baton Rouge, LA where he assisted South Baton Rouge Presbyterian Church. Corey and Holly have three grown children: Miller, Maggie, and Miles.

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"The Culmination of Discipleship"

Ephesians 4:11-13

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What should a disciple of Jesus look like? What’s our goal in following Jesus? What’s our end game? Join us this Sunday for our last sermon in our series on biblical discipleship as we talk about the “culmination” of discipleship! 


Next Sunday we'll be hearing from Reverend Corey Pelton as he talks about God's work in planting churches in the mountains of North Georgia! Don't miss it! 


In just two weeks we’ll begin a series on the book of James, which has been called “the proverbs of the New Testament”. Do you need wisdom to navigate life in this crazy world!? Come on out and bring a friend!

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"The Cultivation Discipleship "

1 Corinthians 3:5-9

Rev. Barr Overcast

There is much to learn about the Christian life from gardening and plants. Jesus used countless farming images as he taught his disciples, and many other places in the Bible use the images of a tree, a vine, fruit, etc. to describe God's people and His work in their lives. At the heart of all these metaphors is the idea that a life of following Jesus is cultivated rather than made. Join us this Sunday as we look at how we can cultivate a life of following Jesus.

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"The Catalyst for Discipleship: Part 2"

Mark 1:35

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This past week we talked about Jesus as “the way”—that Jesus modeled for us by His pattern of living a means of thriving in this world. Join us this week for part two as we discuss a secret weapon for living that empowers us to take our next steps. Pray for the Spirit's leading as you come to worship!

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"The Catalyst of Discipleship"

John 14:6a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

So far in our series on discipleship we’ve talked about the call and cost of following Jesus, both of which are astounding in depth and have enormous implications for our lives. Scripture tells us that we come with Jesus at great cost in order that we might become like Jesus in great measure. But are there any helps along the way? How might we become like Him? Join us this Sunday as we talk about the “catalyst” for discipleship.

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"The Cost of Discipleship"

Luke 14: 25-33

Rev. Charlie Phillips

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This coming Sunday we’ll be jumping into part two in our series on discipleship as we talk about the cost of following Jesus. What exactly does it cost to follow Jesus? Have we ever actually calculated it? Is it worth it? What do we get in return? See you Sunday as we dive in!


On another note, we’re excited to remind you that we will be having a congregational meeting on September 8th after worship for the purpose of voting in Barr Overcast as Associate Pastor of Westminster! As an Associate Pastor Barr will get a vote on the Session and, more importantly, his role will be strengthened as we formally recognize him as our pastor of shepherding and discipleship.

"The Call to Discipleship"

Matthew 11:28a

Rev. Charlie Phillips

For the next six weeks we’ll be diving into a series on the basics of the Christian faith, on biblical discipleship. This is the perfect time to reassess your understanding of Christianity or to invite a non-believing friend to process life you! This week we’ll be talking about our call to discipleship. What does Jesus’s call to us entail? How should we respond? How can discipleship simplify our complicated lives? See you Sunday!

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"A Shady Conclusion"

Jonah 4:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

What would be your reaction if by your evangelism an entire people group came to faith? What if they repented in such a way that it blew your mind? How would you respond? I doubt many of you would respond like Jonah! The ending to the book of Jonah, while just as amazing as the rest of the book, is frustrating because of the way our hero prophet reacts to the mercy of God! But as we’ll see this Sunday, anyone of us can succumb to such an attitude.


Starting in August we’ll be jumping into a 6 sermon series on discipleship. We’ll discuss the call to discipleship, cost of discipleship, culmination of discipleship, cultivation of discipleship, catalyst for discipleship, and challenge to discipleship. This series will bring us back to the basics of Christianity while simultaneously pushing us deeper into our walk with Christ! It will speak directly to both the new believer as well as the seasoned! So bring a friend and come out! 


After that we’ll begin a longer series on the book of James. James has been called the “proverbs of the New Testament”. Can you think of a time where the church has needed more wisdom!

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